Primary School P.E. and Sport FundingThe allocation of funding for the academic year 2022/2023 is £17501.
From September 2013 the Government has provided each school with funding to improve the quality of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, with the money going directly to primary school head teachers. Schools have the freedom to choose how they will allocate the funding to improve provision in PE. Schools are required to publish information about their use of the new funding. This should include: *the amount of grant received; *how it has, or will be, spent; *what impact the funding has had on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment.
At Our Lady and St Brendan's we invest heavily to ensure our pupils have inspirational and continuous quality provision and opportunities and we welcome the grant to aid that provision.
Overall Aims: *To provide quality teaching using the latest research and resources in PE and Sports for pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2. *To ensure pupils in Key stage 1 have a firm foundation of P.E. and sporting skills on which to build. *To provide opportunities for pupils to be engaged in competitive sport and team games. *To ensure every child has the opportunity to learn to swim and be confident in the water. How P.E. and Sports Funding is Allocated at Our Lady and St Brendan's: |
Sports Premium Report | Sports Premium Report | Sports Grant Impact Statement 2022-2023 |
Sports Grant Impact Statement 2022-2023 |