Our Lady & St. Brendan's Catholic Primary School

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Collective Worship


Our daily act of Collective Worship is our time spent together with God to respond to His Word. 

Monday -  We start our week with a whole school Collective Worship together where we reflect with Mrs Delany on Sunday's Gospel and how we can apply the message into our everyday lives. 

Tuesday - We pray together in our classes in our teacher led liturgy to deepen our connection with God and our faith.  

Wednesday - EYFS and KS1 children gather together for a Virtues to Live by liturgy with Miss Togher.

KS2 - the Faith Leaders plan and lead the liturgy for their own class.

Thursday -  KS2 children gather together for a Virtues to Live by liturgy with Mr Spillane. 

EYFS and KS1 children - the Faith Leaders plan and lead the liturgy for their own class.

Friday - The class Faith Leaders plan and lead the liturgy in their own class in the morning and we all gather in the afternoon to celebrate our achievements with parents. 

Our School Prayer

This is our school, let peace dwell here,

Let the rooms be full of contentment,

Let love abide here:

Love for mankind,

Love for one another,

Love of life itself

And love of God.

Family Prayer Book

Please use our prayer book in special prayer time with your family. Please gather together away from distractions to light a candle and gather together for your own prayer intentions.


Our Lady - Mary Queen of the May 

A Solemn Easter Reflection 

Our staff and pupils enjoy daily Collective Worships. 

Our school community engaged in the break time stay and pray .

Reflecting on the Gospel of the week .

Mass is celebrated on a regular basis in school by Rev Fr Paul Redmond to mark feast days.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent .

The blessed ashes are made from the burning of last years blessed palms . The 40-day period of Lent between Ash Wednesday and Easter is a time to reflect on man's sinful humanity and Jesus's sacrifice for our sins.



Collective worship as a class

Fishers of men