Our Lady & St. Brendan's Catholic Primary School

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Victory is having done your best. If you’ve done your best, you’ve won. - Bill Bowerman

PE Curriculum Intent


At Our Lady and St Brendan's Primary School, Physical Education (PE) is an integral part of our Curriculum that is inclusive and engages all pupils, in a supportive and challenging environment. We aspire for children to acquire, develop and refine their practical skills and techniques; to further their knowledge and understanding of PE concepts and principles and develop their overall competence, to enjoy, and excel in, a broad range of sports and physical activities.

We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities which enable all children to succeed; to enjoy their learning; to be resilient and consistently strive to give their best efforts at all times and achieve their potential. Children participate in competitive sport and through this we teach children how to cooperate and collaborate effectively as part of a team and compete appropriately against others, adhering to the principles of fairness, sportsmanship and respect, values we hope to embed for future life.

We understand the importance PE, School Sport and Physical Activity has on childrens’ general health, fitness and mental wellbeing. We provide opportunities for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and we teach children the importance of leading healthy, active lives and making informed and appropriate lifestyle choices. Swimming is an important life skill and we aim for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres.



 PE at Our Lady and St Brendan's is taught by a combination of class teachers and qualified sports coaches. Our PE sessions provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Strike and Field Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor & Adventure Activities and Swimming. Our aim is that all children participate in two hours of physical activity each week, covering two sporting activities every half term in KS2. Our children in Y4 attend one swimming session each week which is included in this time and our children in Year 2 and 3 have weekly dance lessons with the Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts and Dance. We have a coach from Kanga Sports who works with Year 4, 5 and 6 to support staff CPD every Friday. Children have equal opportunities to take part in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment where effort as well as success is recognised. Children are encouraged to participate in exercise through-out the day not only in PE lessons, but in clubs, outdoor learning, lunch/ break provision and special events. 

At Our Lady and St Brendan's the PE curriculum is structured to provide a range of sports experiences during which every child participates to develop their skills and learning through competitive, team and individual sports. Through our provision children can aim to flourish at sports in which they have a particular interest, or flair for. Children with additional needs are provided with appropriate support to enable them to take part and gain confidence in skills, understanding and motivation. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Our Long Term PE Curriculum Overview sets out the PE Units/Activities which are to be taught each half term throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. We use and adapt a Scheme of Learning from PE Planning to ensure planning, content and delivery is age appropriate. This scheme ensures lessons, year on year, are progressive.


We recognise the importance of physical development in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a key area of learning. There are two strands under Physical Development: Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care. Children in the EYFS access time and space to enjoy energetic play daily in the outdoor learning area. The children also access specific physical development through timetabled PE lessons in Reception (in preparation for Year 1) which give the children the opportunity to learn and practice fundamental movement skills. They participate in activities where they can practice moving in different ways and at different speeds; balancing; rolling; throwing balls and bean bags; catching and kicking. They also have access to balance and pedal bikes to support their physical development and gross motor skills.


Within Key Stage one children develop their fundamental movement skills through a range of activities and opportunities, where children work individually in pairs or in groups. We cover key aspects such as gymnastics, dance, games and athletics. We follow the National Curriculum for P.E. in Key Stage 1.

When children leave Key Stage 1 we expect them to be able to:

  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
  • participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
  • perform dances using simple movement patterns.


We follow the National Curriculum for P.E. within Key Stage 2. Children continue to apply and develop a range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movements. They continue to use the skills individually but also develop cooperation through games. This will include a further focus on choices and tactics within a game. We explore a wide range of sports and activities such as dance, gymnastics, athletics, O.A.A. and a range of games skills. Children also learn to swim while in Key Stage 2.

When children leave Key Stage 2 we expect them to be able to:

  • use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
  • perform dances using a range of movement patterns
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

In addition, we have key swimming targets:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Our PE Curriculum

Click on the image below to see the PE planned for each year group:


Assessment in PE is an ongoing process at Our Lady and St Brendan's Primary School. Teachers will make informal judgements about pupil’s progress and attainment as they observe them throughout lessons.

At the end of each unit/block of work, teachers will decide on a pupil’s level of attainment noting which children are:

  • working above the age-related expectations
  • working at the age-related expectations
  • working towards the age-related expectations

We ensure that our PE curriculum is inclusive and progressive and allows all children the opportunity to acquire and develop fundamental knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques and apply these to a wide variety of different sports and activities. PE lessons are fun, enjoyable and challenging and all children can achieve, to the best of their ability, in a supportive, safe and stimulating environment.  Our pupils are physically active, and this has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise and activity for their physical and mental wellbeing. We aspire for all children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity, which hopefully becomes part of their future life outside of Primary School. Children have opportunities to participate in sport after school can also represent the school at sporting events with other local primary schools.

In PE, we also measure impact by:

  • Analysis of participation at after school clubs and BEOP/ Trust competitions
  • Regular learning drop ins
  • Pupil voice questionnaires
  • PE Premium spend analysis
  • Assessment data
  • Formative assessment during lessons
  • Summative assessments at the end of a unit of work