Our Lady & St. Brendan's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Year 6

Oscar Romero (Saint)

Justice (Virtue) 


Welcome to Year 6.  The staff in Year 6 will be Mr Spillane, Mrs Midwood, Miss Townend, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Hale.

Your child is now in their final year of Primary Education and this year will be all about preparing them academically, emotionally, physically and socially for High School.  We will expect more of your child as they will be model students for the younger children in our school and will become leaders in all that we do. 

There will be lots of information on this page throughout the year to support your child in their journey towards High School so please keep checking back on a regular basis. 

We have high expectations of all children in our school but even more so of our Year 6 pupils.  Please encourage your child to organise themselves for the day with your support, to ensure that they have all of their essential equipment with them, look smart in their uniforms and to enter school ready to achieve.

If you need to speak to an adult in class about your child, please telephone or email the school office to arrange a telephone appointment at a convenient time.  Should you have an urgent message for the teaching team or your child, please call the school office and they will relay the message straight away via our systems.

We look forward to working in collaboration with you for the benefit of your child and the wider school community.


Class News

Year 6 SATs Help

For extra resource for help in maths.. Go to, Maths Bot. 

SATS - Key Stage 2 Arithmetic - Compact Version (mathsbot.com)


Long-term Plan

Termly Units of Work

Autumn 1

Spring 1 Summer 1

Autumn 2

 Spring 2 Summer 2

Please click on the term for further information on our learning journey.

Year 6 Residential

Please confirm as soon as possible if you wish you child to go on the year six residential via this link


If you are experiencing difficulty making payment please contact school to discuss this .


Spelling Shed

Please ensure that your child is regularly accessing the SpellingShed app or website. 

Timestable Rockstars

Mastering quick arithmetic requires a swift recall of multiplication and division facts. If your child struggles with this, it is crucial for them to consistently practice on platforms like TTRS. This ensures that such challenges do not hinder their overall learning progress.


Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)

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