Our Lady & St. Brendan's Catholic Primary School

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Academy Council

 As part of the Blessed Christopher Wharton Academy Trust the role of the Academy Council, which was previously known as the Governing Body, is both strategic and supportive. Ms Delany and her staff are responsible for the operational running of the school whilst the Academy Council have an overview in monitoring and evaluating the work and progress of the school. We meet each half term to review the work of the school and to plan for the future.

The Academy Council 2023-24

Headteacher : Ms. S Delany

Chair of Academy Council : Mrs. S. E. Langford

Vice Chair of Academy Council : Mrs. .B .Creighton

Foundation Council members : Fr. P. Redmond, Parish Priest, Mrs. S .E. Langford : Chair of Academy Council and Mrs. E. Ceiloch.

Parent appointed Council members : Mrs. B Creighton (Vice Chair) and Mr. M Sheppard

Staff representative : Mr. D Jarmola

Clerk to Academy Council : Mrs. R James

Admissions Committee : Mrs. S Langford & Ms. S Delany

Named Safeguarding Lead : Mrs. S Langford

Named SEND, CLA and Pupil Premium Lead : Mr. M Sheppard

Named R.E Lead : Fr Paul Redmond

Named Health & Safety Lead ; Mr. D Jarmola

Named Curriculum & GDPR Lead : Mrs. B Creighton

If you wish to contact the Academy Council, please either write to Mrs. Langford c/o the school or contact your parent representative members Mrs. B Creighton or

Mr. M. Sheppard.